Bern seminar (NEENAVA project)

The 2ed – 10th Nowember 2015    Kyiv – Paris – Bern – Paris – Kyiv

On the November 2015, Pavlo Shydlovskiy and Marta Andriiovvych visited Paris, France; and Bern, Switzerland in the context of NEENAWA project.

First two days we spend in Paris. Main purpose was meeting with our colleague Prof. Stefan Pean from National Museum of Natural History. Pavlo and Stefan planed together present the results of Mezhyrich expedition research.

On the 2nd of November in the morning, we started our trip to Paris, and nearly 4 p.m Stefan met us near bus from the Airport. This first evening we spend with Stefan: he helped us to check in at our hotel, and then we walked around and had a supper. After years that we met Stefan in Mezhyrich site in Ukraine that was a big pleaser to meet with him in Paris. During the conversations, we also planned the presentation that was going to be next day.

Next day, we with Pavlo came to Institute of Human History. The presentation had planned on 1 p.m. Therefore, Pavlo and Stefan had time for detailed preparation and I was free to study the exposition about Human history and visited Institutes library.

That was fantastic; firstly, I saw skulls of ancient (prehistoric) hominids. Also, there were a lot of different archaeological founds: flint tools, shell neck jewellery, and even Tripillia pottery.

I had an opportunity to listen the lecture about evolution of prehistoric animals. However, I couldn`t understood French but slides helps me catch main points. That was very interesting as our students haven`t possibility to choose paleozoology courses during study.

After that, I came to amazing library! Bookcases were standing along the perimeter under the walls, near the windows were tables and on the middle of the room standing gorgeous dinosaur skeleton. The atmosphere in this library was perfect for reading and scientific research. Moreover, the main happiness that you free to choose book by yourself near bookcases!

At 1 p.m., we started presentation in main lecture room.

“Epigravettian hunters-gatherers in the paleoecological system of Final Pleistocene : recent investigations of Mezhyrich site”, Paris, Institute of Human Paleonthology, November 3 (Shydlovskyi P., Pean S.)

My role was simple – I was a photographer. Pavel presented research about Mezhyrich, and Stephan continued presentation about zoology founds in Mezhyrich site. On this presentation the scientists from the Museum and students were present.

After presentation we had lunch and hurry up to continue our journey.

In Bern, we spend 5 days. In the autumn of 2015 year, the main office of the Institute of Archaeological Sciences was in the same building of Natural History Museum. Main purpose to visit Institute was in case of NEENAWA Project. We came to made presentation and work with literature in Institutes Library.

At first day in Bern, we had meeting with Prof. Albert Hafner, after which he show us the library and our table-places.

Therefore, every day we worked with literature in Library. Institute had high technological library. You could use printers and Xerox for making copies, use Wi-Fi connection; as well, you can use computers for search in library catalogues and even download e-books. Every researcher or archaeological student have their own work place – table and shelves where possible to put books and notes. The atmosphere also very calm and comfortable to concentrate on your research or study work.

During the lunch, we usually went to museum café on first floor. Also a part of our lunch break we spend observing museum exposition. Exposition of Museum Natural History took three floors, so every day we looked one of the parts of exhibition. Museum expositions were really big and exited.

One morning we had opportunity to visit funds of Bern Historical Museum and saw Mesolithic collections. After what we visited Bern Historical Museum. In museum excellent exhibition dedicated to all times of Switzerland history. Also, want to mention that first rooms with archaeological materials from Neolithic dwellings on lakes to Early Iron age was amazing.

On Thursday, we had invited to regular Open Archaeological Lecture, which was in main building of Bern University.

Finally, on Friday evening we made our presentation for students. Pavel presented research about Mezhyrich site “Human-environment interactions in Eastern European Upper Palaeolithic: Mezhyrich case of study”.

I had also fantastic, as for student, opportunity presented my research work about “Ceramics from Neolithic Lysa Gora cemetery”. That was my first time, when I presented it in English. I spend several weeks preparing presentation and abstracts for that moment. Therefore, our presentation had gone great.

When official part had finished, Albert invited everyone for some drink and walk. In less official conversation, everyone were happy to continued archaeological discussion. I was happy that Swiss students asked me so many questions about my topic. My new friends also show me great underground places in Bern.

On our last day in Bern, we had a lot of time for walking on medieval streets of Old city; buying presents for our family; and enjoy warm autumn weather. We saw many monuments, fountains, the building of Swiss parliament, churches. We visited main symbols of Bern city – the bears. They were living on special small reserve on riverbank. Also, every time crossing bridge was impossible not being surprised with the gorgeous view on the ice peaks of the Alps.

Next morning we had a train back to Paris. In Paris, we stay for one evening before flight to Ukraine. This evening we spend with Stefan and his cute son. We saw Notre Dame de Paris, walked near Seine, and came to the Palais du Louvre. This was the last evening of our journey, and next day we flew to Ukraine.

Our journey gave me unbelievable experience, impressions and knowledge. Everything made me work harder, and look on everything with new ideas. This journey gave me new inspiration to continue my rise and developing in archaeological science.

©Marta Andriiovvych