Results of archaeological monitoring in Kyiv region, 2022

The Center for Paleoethnological Research published the first results of monitoring the state of archaeological sites in Kyiv region:

Bujskikh, A.V., Ivakin, V.H., Shydlovskyi, P.S., Zotsenko, I.V. 2023. Pamiatky arkheolohii pid chas viiny: polovyi dosvid ta yurydychnyi aspekt (na prykladi robit MAE u m. Kyievi ta Kyivskii oblasti u 2022 r.) [Archaeological Sites During the War: field experience and legal aspect (on the example of the Archaeological Monitoring Expedition works in Kyiv and Kyiv region in 2022)]. VITA ANTIQUA, 14. Culture Heritage and the War : challenges and solutions.